9 Steps to Creating a Truly Meaningful Life
Start your new year with your best foot forward. Take time to reflect on what is working well in your life and celebrate it. Then look deeper and ask yourself, “Am I living the most meaningful life possible?” When you take time to reflect, you begin the process of creating an abundant life.
Set aside an hour or two on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. Consider the following powerful questions to guide your reflection. You might want to complete the questionnaire alone, or you might like to meet with family members or a group of friends.
Begin with a prayer and ask for clarity and wisdom. Ask to be infused with the highest wisdom and love. Allow a settling down period so you can hear the voice of your Authentic Self and the Holy Spirit. Meditate for a half hour to quiet your thoughts.
I bless you with the ability to clearly hear the voice of your Authentic Self and the Holy Spirit so your deepest truth becomes blatantly obvious to you.
The Questions
1. Copy and print the form below. Rate each item on a 1-10 scale where 10 indicates that you feel most fulfilled. Make notes about what you are doing that is helpful. Celebrate and give thanks for what’s working well. Then jot down notes about what would make it better.
How fulfilled are you in each area? | What must happen to make this item a 10? |
Spiritual life | |
Health: physical | |
Health: mental-emotional | |
Romance | |
Family | |
Friends | |
Creative projects | |
Exercise | |
Food quality, hydration and eating patterns | |
Meditation / Breaks | |
Sleep: hours and quality | |
Weekly Fun | |
Vacations | |
Home environment | |
Career | |
Financial management | |
Other |
2. Rate the importance of each item that needs improvement. Write A, B, or C by each item.
3. How empowered do you feel to make these changes? Write a number by each item that needs improvement. low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 high
4. What are your beliefs and behaviors that help you reach your goals?
5. What beliefs and behaviors hinder you from reaching your goals?
6. How committed are you to find the root cause of your self-defeating patterns? Choose a number from 1 to 10. Write about how you sabotage yourself. What assistance, if any, do you need to examine your self-defeating patterns?
7. What action(s) are you willing to take to propel you beyond your comfort zone?
8. Exactly what support do you need? From whom? When will you ask for the support?
9. Develop a reminder system so you implement your action plan. Post it at your front door, on your desk, in your car, on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, or all the above … whatever works best for you.
I’m wishing you more love, prosperity and joy than you can even imagine!
Contact Info
If you would like help to become even more successful with reaching your goals, please contact me. I’m happy to help. New clients may ask for a complimentary 10-minute get-acquainted phone chat. Click here to complete the Contact Form.
Benita A. Esposito, M.A. is a licensed professional counselor, life coach and spiritual counselor with offices in Atlanta and Blairsville, Georgia, USA. Videoconference and phone sessions are available worldwide for life coaching and spiritual counseling.
Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. The Esposito Institute, Inc.