Couples and Individual Counseling
Do you want to strengthen your marriage or prevent a divorce? Or are you co-habitating, engaged or dating, and you want to get it right this time?
Does stress, depression or grief trouble you? Does insomnia or unresolved trauma make your life difficult?
You’ve come to the right place for deep emotional healing so you can cultivate a flourishing life. As a grace-filled Christian I honor all spiritual paths rooted in love. Attend an intensive retreat for faster progress.
It’s easy to receive counseling from the comfort of your home, car or office via Zoom video-conference. I do not see people in-person. I offer psychotherapy to residents of Georgia and North Carolina, and I only work with adults over age 21.
Visit my other website for life coaching and spiritual counseling: www.SensitiveIntrovert.com.
Click here for emergency hotline numbers.
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Featured Articles

Building Bridges, Not Walls: Navigating Conflict in Relationships. Part 1

Couples Relationship Workshop 2025

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Intimacy and Deep Emotional Healing

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Happy Wife, Happy Life

23 Tips for Turning Conflict into Peace

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Can My Marriage Be Saved?

How to Choose a Marriage Counselor

Banana Nut Bread. Healing the Mother-Daughter Relationship

Conflict Management in Marriage: 17 Do’s and Don’ts

Couples Counseling FAQs

Pre-Marital Counseling: How it Works

10 Tips to Sustain Emotional Intimacy During a Conflict

Worst Four Behaviors that Ruin Marriage

Dr. John Gottman’s Marriage Research FAQs

Dr. John Gottman’s Marriage Research Statistics

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Marriage Essentials: Appreciation and Affection

Healing the Relationship with My Father

Intimacy Killer: Conflict Avoidance

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?

Overcoming Communication Challenges

12 Agreements for Healthy Relationships

Marriage Story: From Cold War to Resurrection

Marriage Counseling Story. Healing the Physical Heart and Emotional Heart.

Marriage Counseling, Increasing Marital Intimacy: Carol’s Story.

12 Keys to Conflict Management

Books for Couples

Tears of Anguish, Tears of Love

New Love Risking~Prose

Trusting Others~Prose


Feeling Safe~Prose

Your Gentle Constant Encouragement~Prose

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The Esposito Institute
PO Box 1074
Young Harris, GA 30582
Office Locations
281 Young Harris St.
Suite D,
Blairsville, GA 30512
Buckhead Office
3343 Peachtree Rd NE
Ste 145-1035
Atlanta, GA 30326