Metamorphosis Class 4/30/12
A Class on Loss, Change, and Growth.
Change, welcome or unbidden, requires us to adjust, and sometimes that’s challenging. While some seem to gracefully embrace the future, others of us require a different kind of support. It’s common to feel depressed, to withdraw, or to feel anxious. This class will help us make peace with the changes in our lives: When loved ones move or die; when we lose a job or retire; when our income drops; when we move from a beloved home, or other changes such as divorce or separation.
Benefits: Learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings associated with change. This is a safe place to tell the truth about how you feel, e.g, sad, hurt, or afraid. By loving yourself where you are right now, and receiving love from others, a new door opens. You can breathe in a full deep breath. You get present. You can let go of the attachment to the past and embrace your future.
Where: Good Shepherd Church Parish Hall. 495 Herbert Hills Road, 1/2 mile East of Hayesville, NC on the south side of Route 64. Sponsored by “Parish Life”, Good Shepherd Church
When: One Monday: April 30, 2012. 6:00-7:30pm. (Refreshments served.)
Who’s Invited? Church and community members
Facilitator: Benita A. Esposito, MA is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializes in relationships, mind-body-spirit healing, and success skills. Issues: marriage and pre-marital counseling, depression, stress, anxiety, post-traumatic stress (PTSD), bipolar and co-occurring substance abuse, and bipolar. Benita maintains 2 private practice psychotherapy offices in Blairsville and Atlanta, Georgia. Life coaching services are available worldwide via phone and skype. Most insurance is accepted for psychotherapy. For details visit: and
For information: Call Pam Roman, Director, Clay County Chamber: 828.389.3704.
Registration requested. Contact Benita A. Esposito, MA, LPC
“Grief: Turning inside out, she discovered a deep connection rooted in her spirit, grounded in her body.” ~ Benita A. Esposito