Conscious Creating Retreat


Conscious Creating Retreat – New Year’s Day and

Follow-up Monthly Conscious Creating Classes


Retreat registration closes December 20.


Are you a high achieving person and … 

  • You’re a visionary. You aspire to create the most fulfilling life possible.
  • You cherish your personal relationships, but you don’t devote enough time to them.
  • You value productivity.
  • Emotional reactivity or physical challenges slow you down.
  • You procrastinate when you know you should face the hard issues.
  • You desire more inner peace and work-life balance.
  • You wish your career were more meaningful, and aligned with your core values.

You will receive expert coaching to:

  1. Learn a proven methodology to create a truly fulfilling life.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others. You know that only creates suffering.
  3. Define your core values so your decisions naturally lead in the direction of your dreams.
  4. Strengthen your spiritual connection.
  5. Reduce your stress and enjoy greater physical & emotional well-being.
  6. Pinpoint your unconscious self-sabotage strategies.
  7. Manage fear and other reactive emotions that thwart productivity.
  8. Increase your self-worth. Become your own best friend.
  9. Enjoy more fulfilling relationships.
  10. Be true to your Authentic Self.

“Benita provides a safe and compassionate place to explore the deepest parts of ourselves. She always brings me closer to God and who God created me to be.” – H.K., GA

My Promises to You 

If you do not know what is impacting you from an unconscious level, you cannot change it. My forte’ is to spot self-defeating patterns and streamline your success. You’ll come away with insights you could not have predicted. You’ll find the passion to stay consistently engaged, propelling you toward your dreams.

Special benefit:

The high-level group consciousness and comradery help everyone accelerate their ability to accomplish their dreams. 

Why do I teach “How to be the creative force in your life?

My mission is to raise the quality of life on the planet.  Humanity suffers from relationship dysfunction, abuse, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, obesity, and dis-ease. One of the main reasons for these conditions is that people do not know how to create a truly fulfilling life. Don’t waste your precious time, money, and energy. You only get one life. Learn how to create true fulfillment and pass the knowledge on to your loved ones.  

According to research by Dr. Dean Ornish (a cardiologist), people who participate in support groups are far more likely to heal from life-threatening diseases and live longer. I don’t want you to wait until you have a crisis to learn how to manifest a truly fulfilling life. Consider how a powerful group led by an expert coach can benefit you.


“Benita can pinpoint the feeling at the core of every problem, and this sparks courage to delve deep inside. Benita has always been right when targeting the root of the matter. She is truly a gifted healer and coach. I have brought her personal problems from A to Z, and I’m astounded at how her approaches always work.” – L. B., GA


Who’s Invited

High-achieving adults who want to be empowered to be the conscious creative force in their lives and deepen their spiritual connection. This group is appropriate for highly sensitive people and others.

Location: Zoom from the comfort of your home


Retreat Format

The format is tailored to the needs of the participants. You’ll complete a questionnaire prior to the retreat which helps determine the agenda. We’ll have short lectures so you learn the keys to conscious creating. Guided meditations will help you tap into your spiritual wisdom. One person will be coached in front of the group while everyone learns vicariously followed by Q&A. We may do role-playing and break into small groups – whatever is necessary to help each person achieve their goals. This is a small group format with less than 12 people to help people feel emotionally safe and supported.

Followup monthly Conscious Creating Classes are available to further your mastery. You’ll deepen your bonds with a highly supportive group.

You do not need to attend the monthly classes if you don’t want to. You can just attend the retreat.   Please inquire about the monthly Conscious Creating Class dates by completing the contact page form.

Retreat Date: New Year’s Day

10:00am – 3:00pm (Eastern) with a one-hour break. (7:00am-noon Pacific)


Retreat Tuition: $259.00

Registration closes December 20.

Affiliate Program: When you refer a friend who is not a client and they take the class, you will receive $25.00 off.

Pre-requisite:  The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz. Please buy your book now and start reading. It’s available on Amazon as a Kindle, audiobook and paperback for $10-14.


“Now, I realize that I am the only one holding me back. I am responsible for my schedule and finances. I don’t have to give up my desires, and that does not make me a selfish person. I can recognize when my plate is too full to add someone else’s portion. Not only have I been cleaning out my closet, but also my head and heart. I never knew how liberating forgiveness could be. – SP, GA


How to register: 

(1) Complete the questionnaire on the Contact Page and tell me you want to enroll in this retreat or Conscious Creating Class. I’ll contact you within 24 hours Monday-Thursday.

(2) If you live in the USA, make a payment to Benita-Esposito via Venmo. 

(3) If you live outside the USA, use PayPal. Ask me to send you an invoice, or make a payment to: Phone: 770 998 6642

If you are a new client, please complete the form on the Contact Page and request a 10-minute interview to make sure this retreat or class is a good fit for you. 


“Benita always sees through the words that come out of my mouth to what I really want to say. She helps me clarify my truth and pinpoint my next steps. I love how Benita weaves in stories, quotes, metaphors, and visuals to help engage both sides of the brain. This makes the learning more interesting and effective.” – K.R., Canada


Do you want to attend, but you are concerned about money?

You may find that you have the money to attend by doing this exercise: List all your discretionary expenses. Then decide what money you could reallocate so you can attend. 

What did you discover? Most people realize that they have the money. They just need to get clear on their priorities.

Are you spending money congruently with your highest values? Are YOU worth it? Is creating a fulfilling life worth it? What will be the predictable consequences if you don’t get expert coaching? 

Adapt the following example to your expenditures. (We’ll do exercises similar to this in the class. This is a freebie for you.)

Money Savers Discovery Exercise

 Do your spending habits support your values and goals? 


Lunch out 2 times a week x $15.00 = $30 / week x 4.3 weeks / month

$129 / month

Two alcoholic drinks / week @ $13.00 x 2 x 4.3 weeks / month


Latte or snack equivalent: $4.00 x 4 per week x 4.3 weeks / month


Manicure or pedicure


Two movies/month @ $10.00 each (drinks & popcorn are extra)


New clothes or miscellaneous items that you don’t need


One dinner out per week @ $25 x 4.3 weeks / month





“I loved the personalized attention Benita gave each of us. Her coaching is so impactful because it is Holy Spirit-driven. I discovered a core belief about myself that has been holding me back. I feel so much more free.” R.P., GA


Register now.

I look forward to seeing your eyes shine as you learn how to make your dreams come true! Complete the questionnaire on the Contact Page and tell me you want to join the Conscious Creating Class or Retreat.


No-hassle Refund Policy. If you decide that the retreat or class didn’t help you, you can receive a full refund within the first 30 days. No questions asked.



Benita A. Esposito earned a master’s degree in clinical psychology in 1976, and has four decades of experience helping people create fulfilling lives. She’s a psychotherapist, life coach, and spiritual counselor. Her bestselling book (a memoir with teaching stories) can be found on Amazon: The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self. and
