Tag Archive for: Counseling Blairsville GA

Deep Emotional Healing Retreats 2024


Excavate and express your radiant Authentic Self …

the person God meant you to be.


Two days: May 18-19, 2024. Register by April 1.


Two days: October 5-6, 2024. Register by September 1.

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10 Things to Expect in Your First Counseling Session

Have you ever wondered what happens in the first counseling session? I thought you might, so I wrote this article for you. Read more


Covid-19 Zoom Support Group 4/9/20

I hope you and your family are well during this Covid-19 pandemic. If you’re experiencing difficulty, know that you are in my prayers.

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Reduce Your Stress During Covid-19

Covid-19 Support Series #1

I am sending you my love and blessings during this world crisis due to the coronavirus Covid-19.  I bless you with the wisdom to make healthy choices and to keep you and your loved ones safe from harm. Read more


Breathwork Healing Stories – Laura

Story #1. Laura’s Chronic Shoulder Pain

Laura didn’t think the pain in her right shoulder would ever go away since the injury in 1994, so she didn’t even try to heal it. That was not the intended focus of this breathwork session that took place in 2002. Read more


Why Breathwork Creates Rapid Changes

While weekly therapy sessions help sustain steady growth, sometimes this may be too slow for you. If you are eager to make faster progress, I’d like to tell you about a technique that creates breakthroughs better than any method I know.

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Your Authentic Life Personal Growth Retreat

One day, Saturday, September 16, 2017

Register by August 26, 2017.


What if you don’t take the risk to be your Authentic Self?

The thought of showing up as your Authentic Self can be exciting and scary. It requires you to take risks, and sometimes you don’t know the outcome before you jump off the proverbial cliff.

Will your marriage weather the transition? Will you still be employed? Will you be embraced by your family and friends … if you dare to be your Authentic Self and tell the truth about who you are?

But …

If you don’t show up as your Authentic Self, love is never fulfilling because your true self hides behind a mask. People can’t reach you and you can’t reach them. You change your behavior to manage people’s impressions, hoping they’ll love you. Or you withdraw to protect yourself, or you fight with your loved ones.
If you don’t show up as your Authentic Self, work is never fulfilling. Even if you get promoted because you’re conscientious, you’re unhappy. You’re not as creative as you could be. You’re not tapped into your sweet spot, shining from your God-given gifts. Without the passion of being fully alive, you feel drained, depressed or anxious.

So why take the risks to show up as Your Authentic Self?

Even when you’re afraid to fully show up, there’s a part of you who still yearns to unfold the truth of your being.

You want to be loved and respected for who you truly are. You want genuine emotional connection. You want to express your unique voice. You feel compelled to share your gifts with the world and leave your legacy.

The truth is: When you take a stand to show up as your Authentic Self, then you will find the people who truly support you. Others may fall away. You have to risk letting go. You must get good at grieving … saying good-bye … so you can say hello to your Authentic Self and the new people who will come into your life.

You must challenge the idea that being true to your self is selfish. Many of us grew up with the idea that it is bad to be self-centered … as if we couldn’t think about ourselves and be kind to others.

Some people will understand you and like you; some people won’t. When you define your true North, and summon the courage to be real, you glisten like a diamond, just as God intended you to shine in the world.

When you pay more attention to your divine blueprint than the opinions of others, only then will you experience true fulfillment.

In this Retreat …

  • You’ll clarify your core values and develop skills to craft the most meaningful life possible for you.
  • You’ll explore the limiting beliefs that hold you back.
  • You’ll learn why thinking positively doesn’t transform entrenched coping patterns.
  • You’ll examine childhood core decisions that have unconsciously thwarted your success.
  • You’ll learn skills to heal difficult emotional experiences that have shaped your life.
  • You’ll increase courage to show up as your Authentic Self, and share your most precious gifts.
  • As a result, you’ll enjoy greater health, happiness and work-life balance.

Who Should Attend?

Singles and Couples: Adults who want to express their Authentic Self, do deep emotional healing so they can successfully reach their life goals. Appropriate for Highly Sensitive People and others.

Retreat View, Young Harris, GA

Retreat View, Young Harris, GA

Why Attend a Retreat?

One-hour therapy sessions are great, but you can make much faster progress with an entire day spent with like-hearted people joined together to help you heal and tap into your full potential.

I will help you connect with your Authentic Self, your Spirit, and the Holy Spirit where healing, wisdom and creativity naturally flow.

This retreat will be tailored to the specific needs of those present.

This retreat unfolds organically to meet each participant’s needs. You will each define your goals, and I will draw on my 40 years of experience to choose specific skills to help you attain your goals. My task is to be present with you, and help you be present each moment, even in your vulnerable emotions. You’ll tell the deepest truth, and connect with your highest wisdom. We’ll mine the gold in the darkness.

When you develop the ability to feel your emotions while staying grounded in your body, you’ll experience an incredible freedom and peace, even in the midst of chaos. You will learn how to remain calm in the peaceful eye of the hurricane while the winds whip all around you. Instead of shrinking back from your fears, you will find your way through the storm, and flourish in the freedom of pure love. You’ll connect with your Authentic Self, just the way God made you.

Like to swim? Bring your suit.

Topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Increase self-confidence, and self-esteem.
  • Create healthy relationships.
  • Improve communication and assertiveness skills.
  • Deepen emotional healing.
  • Eliminate emotional reactivity.
  • Enjoy sweeter spiritual intimacy.
  • Heal family of origin wounds.
  • Achieve work-life balance.
  • Improve self-care and overall health.

Date: One day. Saturday, September 16,  9:30a.m.-5:30 p.m. Please arrive 9:00-9:15a.m.

We’ll have a lunch break for 2 hours so you can go swimming, walk by the lake, meditate or visit with group members. Bring a picnic lunch or go out to eat.

money-visa-blue-morguefile-freeTuition: $240.00. Lunch on your own.

Register early to reserve your seat. Space is limited to 7 participants. Please register by August 26, 2017.

If you have had three or more private therapy sessions with me, you may go ahead and pay with PayPal. Ask me for instructions. Or mail a check to The Esposito Institute, PO Box 1074, Young Harris, GA 30582.

If you are a new client: To apply for participation in this event, complete the Contact form. Give me 3 good times to call you. You’ll receive a complimentary 10-minute phone interview to see how this retreat will benefit you. Prerequisite: 2 private therapy sessions, in-person or videoconference.

HiawasseeLocation: Young Harris, Georgia. Enjoy the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Two hours from Atlanta, Asheville or Chattanooga.

The Old Paradigm

When we judge and suppress or repress our emotional experiences, we get stuck. We learn to wear a mask, protecting our soft under-belly from being hurt. We hide from ourselves and our loved ones. We can’t truly flourish. We may try hard, and we may be very successful in ways defined by the world. But our relationship with our Authentic Self, with our body, with God, and with others becomes compromised. This separation creates dis-ease and unrest on many levels.

The New Paradigm

Contrary to popular opinion, fear, anger, or anguish are not the problem. Emotions are not our enemies and we do not have to get rid of them or release them. This thinking  keeps us stuck in a vicious cycle: feeling good for a while and then feeling bad and ashamed, and then suffering once again.

We need to accept difficult emotions as part of our human experience and stay fully present in our bodies, receiving unconditional love. Then we heal. Health and vitality flow. Relationships flourish. Self-esteem rises.

Retreat Testimonials

Suggested reading: The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz.

Pre-requisite: A minimum of two private sessions with Benita A. Esposito.

 BE July2016Credentials:  Benita A. Esposito, M.A. earned her master’s degree in clinical psychology in 1976. She is a licensed professional counselor, life coach and ordained minister with “The Association for the Integration of the Whole Person.” Benita provides individual and couples private sessions, groups, workshops and weekend retreats.  This retreat is a spiritual healing format, not a psychotherapy format.

—> If you would like a two-day retreat to do more intensive work, join us for the Deep Emotional Healing Retreat October 28-29, 2017.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”  Jesus, quoted in John 14:12

Copyright 2016.  All rights reserved. The Esposito Institute, Inc.

Psychotherapy: www.Flourishing-Lives.com

Life Coaching: www.SensitiveIntrovert.com anywhere in the world via videoconference


Pre-Marital Counseling: How it Works

Are you considering pre-marital counseling to get your marriage off to a healthy start? I am happy to help you learn research-based skills so you can become a master of marriage. Read more


Dr. John Gottman’s Marriage Research FAQs

Dr. John Gottman is a rigorous psychological researcher who has studied what makes “Masters and Disasters of Marriage” for 50 years. Couples hang out at his “Love Lab” in Seattle for a weekend while assistants record their behavior and physiological responses. Gottman can predict divorce with approximately 94% accuracy. In this article, you will read popular FAQ’s about Dr. Gottman’s research. Read more


Dr. John Gottman’s Marriage Research Statistics

Dr. Gottman’s mathematical research on “masters” and “disasters” of marriage predicts divorce with 94% accuracy rate based on 3,000 couples in longitudinal studies.

Here are some key statistics below.

  • Half of all divorces occur in the first 7 years.

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