A day’s work comes to a close.
Driving down the highway, homeward bound,
Feeling content, peaceful, and happy.
The softly lit full moon, fringed with a fuzzy glow,
rests against a blanket of puffy faint clouds.
Tiny lightening bolts toss pink and yellow streaks across the sky.
Flashes of color decorate the tranquil masterpiece.
Shadowy outlines of trees draw lacy curtains over the moon.
The sweet fragrance of my perfume,
gentle sounds of jazz filling my ears,
winding around the curves,
rolling up and down the hills,
absorbed with nature’s expansive beauty.
Wishing you were here beside me
to share my joy and feel the beauty of this moment.
Author: Benita A. Esposito, M.A.
Written on 9/14/81 in the Ozark Mountains of southern Missouri.
Copyright 1981. All rights reserved. The Esposito Institute, Inc.
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