Tag Archive for: Jesus

Thanksgiving Message 2014

“Give thanks in all things,” the Bible tells us. Well, I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty hard to do in the midst of thanksgiving-specialpain, either physical or emotional pain. In my case, when I’m in emotional pain, I’m often in physical pain, too. And visa versa. That’s hard! Read more


What Jesus Wants for Christmas

gift-box-redI like to give people what they want, and one of the best ways to do that is to ask them.  So I asked Jesus what he wants for Christmas and this is what I heard him say.

Jesus:  First of all, I don’t need any gifts.  I have everything I want because I am one with God.  So please don’t feel that you need to get me anything.

Benita:  But I want to!  I want to show my love for you because my heart is overflowing with gratitude for who you are and what you have done for us on planet Earth.  You loved us so much that you incarnated to manifest a profound quality of love on Earth that had not been seen before. In only 30+ years you made such a difference here that people all over the world remember you and try to emulate.

Jesus: Please don’t emulate me. Remember when I told you “You can do all these things I do and more, because I go to the Father?” Read more
